People need to take responsibility for their life. I’m not saying you need to have your act entirely together (because honestly who does?), but you need to accept what’s on your plate and your role in creating it. I am tired of the excuses of rough childhoods, how long is that allowed ‘till? Huh? There has to be a limit to that excuse, or do I need to forgive the stupid actions of a grown ass fifty year old man because he had a rough childhood? Really? I don’t think so.
If things aren’t going right for you, question the reasons behind the failure don’t dwell on your frustration. Figure out what the problem is and fix it. Will it be hard? Yes of course it will, but it’s not impossible so there’s still a chance that all will be well.
So in case it isn’t clear yet, I hate whiners! I don’t mean someone that complains about the heat after an eighteen hour black out, I’m talking about that person who complains about everything. You know them, she works with you, he is married to your sister, she’s your great aunt twice removed, he used to date your best friend. They spend the entire day talking about how hard their life is while actually doing nothing to change their circumstances! Wake up call: If your life sucks, sitting on your ass doing nothing about it won’t change it, so just get up and do something, anything but please, please Shut UP!! I don’t want to hear it.
I sound like a cold heart bitch but I’m not, honestly! I have people that can vouch for me without me giving them a cent! But I have learned that the older I get the less tolerant I am towards those who ask for help while refusing to help themselves. Not having a blackberry doesn’t mean you can’t communicate properly, alcatel is cheaper and it makes the same calls plus you don’t have to pay extra (money that you don’t have) to use it. Ok, so you don’t like second hand clothing, fine, go shop at Sema or Jumbo not at Zara or Mango.
I can understand the just-got-laid-off blues or the im-so-tired-from-handing-out-resumes-in this-bad-economy downers but how long can one person milk those two excuses before it gets sour?
Different things, work for different people, but don’t tell me whining is the only way. There are thousands and thousands of self help books, (I won’t say therapy cause your broke, right?) there are some good online resources for free you can use, take advantage of them but please don’t call me unless is to tell me you got a job or that you are happily unemployed, enjoy your life, is the only one you have. See the positive things in it and embrace them.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. Johannes A. Gaer
P.S I feel so much better now; in the future I’ll try to refrain from so much whining
Word Count: 516
P.S + Moral Support, Self Help Books, Life Coach
I must say, I love the Life coach tag lol!!!!
ReplyDeleteI know where you're coming from man! I totally hate that too... specially when it's so easy to drive 2 blocks down and find people who at 5pm haven't had breakfast yet and have no idea when they'll be able to eat.
It's easier to whine I guess than to WORK at being happy with yourself?