
Day 11 : Lazy Day

I love lazy days. There is nothing better than getting up late and staying in your pajamas all day. This Sunday I  did nothing but watch Tv and eat all day. I was planning on doing so much on Sunday, but I woke up with a headache and kind of cranky so I just stayed in bed until my dad came and asked me what we were having for lunch. I've learned over the years to just cook something instead of putting up a fight so I went to the kitchen to see what I could find.

Pasta is always my first choice on days like this. You only need a can of sauce, a couple of extra stuff to throw in (sausage, bacon, mushrooms) some salt and pepper to taste and entire family has  a full meal in less than 30 minutes. My family eats a lot, really, a lot, especially when my niece and nephews are here, like today. So I made a pound and a half of penne and fed all the hungry family members bugging me. For myself I reheated some left over Chinese food. I love left over Chinese, is one of my favorite things to eat.

After lunch we all sat around the TV to watch three hours of American Idol Season Nine auditions. The auditions are my favorite part of this show. This year looks like it’s going to be a good one because in only two shows I already have a lot of people I like. I loved the guy with the skinny jeans and the shaggy hair, the Latina girl from Berkley, the country girl who jumped bridges, the sixteen year old that spoke Portuguese, the police officer, the Italian guy, the sixteen year old with the twelve brothers and someone else but I don’t remember know.

After American idol ended I started getting ready for the nights entertainment, The Golden Globes.
I have to say again that I barely saw any of the movies and TV shows nominated, and that’s why my winner list from yesterday was more wish list than prediction. My favorite part of every award show is the Red Carpet, the clothes. I am not a girly girl, I don’t salivate over brands, and if I have some extra cash ill never spend it in clothes, but I love Red Carpet Fashion. Yesterday’s show was boring in every way. Nothing on the red carpet stood out in a good way. There were some dresses I thought where ok, but nothing I absolutely loved.

My favorite's of the night where surprisingly enough the sparkly dresses. Tony Colette, Jen Garner, Thirteen & Cuddy from House all sparkled and looked really good. The worst one was definitely Patricia Arquette; she always wears weird stuff and let’s not even mention her husband, WTF?!!
Over all I didn’t find anything truly horrendous or offensive but neither did anything pop as the best. 

In general the show was boring; Ricky Gervais did nothing for me. The Best acceptance speeches belonged to both Monique & Robert Downey Jr; the worst to Meryl Streep, I usually love her but yesterday i didnt get a word she said. Award season has officially begun on a blah note; let’s hope next week’s Screen Actors Guild Awards (SAGs) are less safe, clothes wise.

Word Count: 532

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